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Renewable energy needs better planning laws

Tomorrow' new "planning bill is crucial to tackling the two biggest issues the country faces today - competing in a tough global economy and delivering new green infrastructure vital for the leap to an 80% reduction in carbon...

Category: Energy sources


Government urged to improve 'feed in tariff' scheme for renewable energy

"Industry groups, trades unions and green campaigners are today calling on the government to introduce a strong system of support for renewable energy known as a "feed-in tariff"."

Category: Energy sources


Tree fungus could provide green transport fuel

"Organism discovered in the Patagonian rainforest produces mixture of chemicals similar to diesel"


People-power a step closer in energy bill

"• Households may be able to sell energy to the grid • Move to encourage big rise in micro-generation"

Category: Energy sources


UK will face peak oil crisis within five years, report warns

"Declining availability of oil will hit the UK earlier than generally expected, with potentially devastating implications for the UK economy, report warns"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 601 to 605 out of 1050